Initiatives for a Bountiful Sea

To address these challenges, fishers are collaborating with government bodies, research institutions, and other industries to revive the richness of the sea.

Seabed Cultivation

Metal tools are towed across the seabed by boats using ropes to till the ocean floor. This process stirs up accumulated sediments, releasing trapped nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus back into the water.

Kaibori (Pond Draining)

During the agricultural off-season, water is drained from ponds to remove sediment and inspect facilities.

These sediments, rich in nitrogen and phosphorus, are reused in Akashi City through joint efforts by farmers, fishers, and local residents.

Forests for Fishers

Understanding the link between healthy forests and marine ecosystems, fishers take an active role in forest restoration. Activities include clearing overgrown vegetation and planting trees to improve forest health, which ultimately benefits the sea.

Other efforts include nutrient management at sewage treatment plants, resource conservation measures (such as regulating fishing seasons, methods, and quotas), aquaculture programs, and initiatives like releasing juvenile octopuses back into the sea.

These initiatives are designed to preserve the ocean’s bounty for future generations. Federation of Akashi Seafood Wholesalers Cooperative Association fully supports these efforts to restore a “bountiful sea.” We are committed not only to providing seafood but also to sharing the passion and dedication of fishers with consumers, ensuring that the legacy of these rich waters lives on.